Premier Natural Event in The San Francisco Bay Area

2019 Overall posedown.

Pro card winner Ricardo Salinas.

Bikini open class.

2019 Overall posedown.
*No Dream Tan Allowed*
-Event Info
October 4, 2025
Last day to register September 24, 2025
WNBF Pro-Qualifier For WNBF Worlds​
Straight Through Format
Athlete Meeting
8:45 am
Doors Open 9:00 am
Show Start Time.
9:30 am
Light Weight Under 165 lbs
Middle Weight 165.25 - 190
Heavy Weight 190 lbs and over
Fit Body
Men’s Physique
Teen (15-19)
Junior (20-23)
Masters (40+)
Grand Masters (50+)
Open Categories
NO NOVICE AND OPEN CROSSOVERS ALLOWED, EX: Novice bodybuilding AND Open bodybuilding!
-83$ INBF Card paypal payment
-80 $ Polygraph exam (Must Be Cash)
-125 $ for first entry (NO REFUND POLICY)
-50 $ for crossover class (NO REFUND POLICY)
-60 $ Spectator all day. Purchase at Venue!
-100 $ Trainer Pass (Includes Spectator Fee)

Jackson Theater
Gary Soren Smith Center
Drive to the top of campus – Parking is Available
-Host Hotel
Hyatt Place Fremont
3101 W Warren Ave
Fremont, CA 94538 -
Group Code: Pending
Make Reservations by Sept 26, 2025
MEMBER AGREEMENT In consideration for your acceptance of my application to join the International Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (INBF), an amateur affiliate of the WNBF. I understand and agree to abide by all the rules and by-laws, as amended, of the INBF/WNBF, including the drug-free and conduct policies of the organization. I understand that, in order to compete in an INBF/WNBF-sanctioned event, I will be required to submit up to two (2) drug-tests to validate absence from the use of any type of steroids, hormones, prohormones, prescription diuretics and any and all other compounds or performance-enhancing substances or actions deemed illegal by the INBF/WNBF. Such testing will be done through polygraph (lie-detector) and urinalysis exams. I further agree to abide by the decision of the INBF/WNBF concerning my participation in an INBF/WNBF-Sanctioned contest pending the results of both tests, as well as my adherence to all of the INBF/WNBF rules and regulations. Failure to pass INBF/WNBF drug-tests or failure to adhere to all INBF/WNBF rules and regulations will result in my expulsion from the competition in question, as well as the loss of my INBF/WNBF eligibility for seven years.
WAIVER In executing this agreement the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless INBF/WNBF, its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents and or attorneys with regard to any and all claims foreseen and/or unforeseen arising from this agreement and any and all conducts/acts arising hereunder. The parties further agree and acknowledge that indemnification includes any and all costs, expenses, damages, punitive awards and/or attorney fees. The parties agree and acknowledge that this is a California contract, governed by the laws of California and further agree and acknowledge that executive jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising from this said agreement /contract shall be Sacramento County, California and by executing this agreement/contract, the undersigned agrees to submit to said jurisdiction. The parties agree and acknowledge that the rights to participate in any and all INBF/WNBF events is at the sole discretion of the INBF/WNBF and any and all decisions made with regard to compliance are within its sole and exclusive discretion of the INBF/WNBF which may be revoked/terminated and/or suspended without notice. This agreement/contract is not assignable without the express written consent of the INBF/WNBF.